Wine on Stamps Study Unit

“Et vinum laetificet corhominis”

"Et vinum laetificet cor hominis”

Revision 9 of the Wine on Stamps Checklist is now available!
Over 100 additions were made, and the list now has 3173 items. In addition to the Wine on Stamps Checklist, there are separate checklists for Beer on Stamps (208 items) and Wine and Beer Patron Saints on Stamps (302 entrie) . They are issued together in one file.


The Checklist is available to Study Unit members only in Excel format at no cost to those who previously purchased a copy, and for $5 to first-time purchasers. Members should send their order and PayPal payment to Deb Collet at the address on the Membership Application page. If using PayPal please consider adding $1 to cover PayPal costs. If you are paying by check, please mail your check to David Wolfersberger, 5062 NW 35th Lane Road, Ocala, FL 34482. 

As usual, updates are in each issue of ​Enophilatelica​.

Preparation of Revision 10 of the Checklist has begun. It will be ready for distribution in early 2026. Watch for announcements in Enophilatelica!

Wine on Stamps Checklist