Wine on Stamps Study Unit

Benefits of Membership


"Et vinum laetificet cor hominis”

“Et vinum laetificet corhominis”
  • Members can find and contact others who share similar interests

  • Some members of the Study Unit are enologists but most are simply enthusiasts with an interest in wine and the ways in which grapes, wine and related subjects have been represented on the world's postage stamps.
  • Members receive Enophilatelica  four times a year. Each issue is full of information on grapes, wine and winemaking, including new issues world-wide.
  • Members can access a checklist that itemizes thousands of issues that have some connection with grapes, wine, etc.
  • A brochure is available with more details. Contact David Wolfersberger, 5062 NW 35th Lane Road, Ocala, FL 34483, or by email at


Membership Dues

Annual Study Unit dues are modest:

  • PDF delivery of Enophilatelica all locations: $14
  • Hardcopy to US addresses:                          $17
  • Hardcopy elsewhere:                                     $22
  • There is also a Patron Membership for those who would like to provide additional support to the Study Unit. Patron dues are $8/year in addition to the dues above ($22, $25 and $30).